Patiently, Diligently, Persistently
This refrain echoed in the lyrical voice of instructor, S.N. Goenka, at the Vipassana course I attended last month. Ten days of silence coupled with ten hours of meditation daily … the few words you hear repeatedly have an impact. “Work patiently, diligently, persistently” was his gentle yet insistent way of reminding us that there is a discipline to becoming proficient at anything. The lesson of patient, diligent persistence is one we’re continuing to learn with Soul Seeds.
Back in September, I wrote that we would continue to show up, even though there seemed to be little interest in our work among the young people at the HYPE Center. Now they tell us that Soul Seeds is “the bright spot in their week.” The counselors say even those who don’t attend appreciate that we come week after week because it shows they matter to us. (Yes, they absolutely do!) We recently began our work with the Tacoma Housing Authority’s 2Gen Program (THA) and again it’s a slow start. The staff is incredibly supportive, and their dedication is truly heart driven. We recognize that what we do can seem inconsequential when you’re working hard to put food on the table and a roof over your head. When your job, and kids, and just living in the world today are stressors, taking an hour to join our session to meditate can seem like an unnecessary or unattainable indulgence. With the team at THA, we’re striving to convey that learning these techniques can provide a beacon of stability for coping with day-to-day realities. It can be a hard sell, but we keep showing up, knowing that our work will have a meaningful influence on those who give it a try.
Case in point, a woman I’ll call Dani came to our session last week in a sweatshirt emblazoned with a gold glitter heart that said LOVE. (Being a fan of sparkle and of love, to me she felt like a specially wrapped gift for Soul Seeds from the Universe!) Dani is the mother of five in a blended family with three teenagers. Her friend gives her regular Reiki treatments and Dani tries to meditate as often as she can. After our 15-minute meditation, Dani marveled, “Whoa, I’ve meditated before, but this was totally different!” It was the most grounded she had ever felt. Dani added that she felt connected to her spirit and heard its message: “everything is going to be okay.” This was said through gentle tears as she went on to share some struggles she had “never even shared with her therapist.” Dani felt the healing energy of her own spirit and was deeply touched.
I think about the leap of faith (and juggling of schedules) it took for Dani to come to our session. My life was not nearly as complicated as hers at age 35 but I could frequently find reasons – as I still do – to not take a step forward with faith, courage, and conviction; to not take up that first piece of a puzzle that could reveal a new life picture, a new way of being. So, I leave you with this question. How long will you put off what you’re capable of doing simply to continue what you’re comfortable doing? Evidently, this is not a time to stay on the sidelines. You have a gift. Use it. You have a passion. Pursue it. You have a compassionate heart. Express it. Be fearless and fabulous. Take pride in who you are — the world needs each of us to make a difference for all of us.
Melanie Davis-Jones (she/her/hers)
Executive Director
In Case You Missed It:
Videos by Founder, Nancy Rebecca | Grounding with the Earth and Metal Energies and What is Energetic Competition?
If you’re in the Tacoma/Seattle area, join us for Free Healing Friday, featuring healers from a variety of disciplines, the 3rd Friday of every month. If someone you know could benefit from an energy healing, please bring them with you.
June is LGBTQ Pride Month “to recognize the impact that lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer individuals have had on history locally, nationally, and internationally.”
For the first time ever, there are over 100 million people who have been forcibly displaced, according to UNHCR (the UN Refugee Agency). “[This] figure must ‘serve as a wake-up call’ for more action to promote peace and address all causes of forced displacement,” according to UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi.
Modern Books About Refugees compiled by the UNHCR to understand more about the emotions, memories, and realities of life as a refugee.
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