The Conditions of Possibility for Change
In such transformational times, we often ponder how to get through this period when things feel like they’re spinning out of control. Amid so much turmoil, seeing to the other side – to recovery, to healing – feels unimaginable. Insurmountable. Nancy and I were having a conversation about the late Congressman John Lewis. Although Rep. Lewis lived to see the societal shifts that were only in a dream world in his youth, how did he, and the brave others like him, envision a nation that was profoundly different than their current circumstances?
A recent profile of long-time activist Angela Davis gives us a clue of how to see beyond the present. She said it is about our role in “helping to create conditions of possibility for change.” In so many ways, we as individuals – each in our own unique way – can actively create those conditions by bringing our own power and our own perspectives, for we are part of the whole. Our thoughts, like magical tiny bubbles, can create a brighter future for us personally and for the broader community. This blog from Uplift reinforces what we fundamentally know – that the power of imagination can change current circumstances.
Conditions of possibility for change reverberate in the mission of Soul Seeds… “bringing healing support to individuals, to their communities, and to our world.” Our commitment to working with underserved communities requires an ability to help people see beyond their current circumstances – to feel into the energy of their own soul’s innate wisdom – to feel hope, and love, and peace of mind.
The tumultuous year of 2020 has forced us all to reevaluate priorities and find new approaches to everything from work and grocery shopping to classroom learning and doctor’s appointments. Here at Soul Seeds we recently made the difficult decision to suspend our signature program, Free Healing Friday until 2021. Looking from an energetic perspective, we are being pushed to reimagine what it could be: how can we continue to be of service to clients and to the essential workers who support them? That is what we’re working on now. Community partnerships are a critical part of expanding our network so if you have contacts (e.g. healthcare, veterans’ services and/or youth organizations) that might be interested in our work, please email and let me know.
Let’s hold a vision that sees the phenomenal possibility for change, envisioning the world we want for ourselves, our families, and our communities that will be a foundation for generations to come.
Melanie Davis-Jones (she/her/hers)
Executive Director
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