A Pistachio Without Its Shell
The winds of change – like blustery autumn days – sweep through our lives, bringing unexpected joys, headaches, and heartaches. I have felt those winds recently; I suspect you have too. Change can leave us feeling vulnerable, even if the change is planned or vaguely anticipated. “Like a pistachio without its shell” is how an 11-year-old at a recent youth mental health town hall described how it feels to cope with the stressors of day-to-day life, and for her, the level of anxiety it produced. What an apt description!
It is interesting that even when the news is good – a move, a new job, an engagement — feelings of stress and anxiety can still arise. Despite the aphorism, “change is the only constant” we still have not quite figured out how to navigate the waters smoothly … even those of us who meditate daily. Psychology Today notes that in addition to accepting the change (sometimes we’re purely in denial!), eating well, exercising, and keeping a routine can help. The article also suggests that writing down the positive things that have come from the change and seeking support can be beneficial as well. The last month or so has been a time of change for Soul Seeds. We had our first Free Healing Friday event at the new location in Bay Terrace Apartments on October 21.
The volunteers were thrilled with the space and delighted to welcome people in. Part of our excitement about the new space is better accessibility to the communities we want to work with, given its location closer to downtown Tacoma. As with anything new, there are a few things to sort out but all in all, the sentiment was that the reboot of Free Healing Friday was off to an auspicious start. Our friends at Tacoma Housing Authority are grateful to have this offering in their community and we deeply appreciate their support. We anticipate Free Healing Fridays growing steadily through word-of-mouth.
The other change for Soul Seeds was a personal one. It was a difficult decision to make, but I resigned my position as Executive Director in October. We have always had an active Board of Directors and a corps of loyal volunteers; they will do the work in the interim. This has been among the most important work I have done in my career. I am proud of the progress we have made and the community partnerships we have built. It is my sincere hope that I have created a strong foundation on which Soul Seeds can grow and prosper.
I am now the Director of Philanthropy Marketing and Communications for Seattle Children’s Hospital. My position also leads the Community Outreach, Education, and Sponsorship team. As with Soul Seeds, it is job that calls to my heart. I know the extraordinary gift that excellence in pediatric care can give to families. My twin sons were born at 28 weeks (weighing less than three pounds each); they spent two months in the hospital. Today they are healthy, intelligent, and vibrant men. This job, for me, is another way to give back.
One of the major initiatives of Seattle Children’s focuses on responding to the current mental health emergency. Youth mental health is an urgent unmet need all over the United States. One out of every five kids has a disorder that significantly impairs their life, and only about half those kids get treatment. (In my position, I do intend to help raise awareness of Soul Seeds’ work and the power of meditation, after all, we have seen the positive impact of our intuitive meditation techniques with the young people at the HYPE Center. I’ve written of them often in these newsletters.)
In the spirit of full transparency, my decision to accept a new position was also hastened by the reality that current finances could not support an Executive Director’s salary. As such, this is my heartfelt request to you. Yes, donate if you can, but I know most of you reading this already support us. This is a different ask. Please share the importance of this work. Help us address the pervasive skepticism. Share our newsletters (here’s a link to them on our site). Talk about your own experiences with meditation. Follow us and like our Facebook posts. Share articles like the one below that reports on how effective meditation is in reducing anxiety. We are still hitting considerable resistance to this work. We need many voices of support! Helping us break down the barriers will not only assist with fundraising and programmatic opportunities. it will also help our communities heal.
My passion for the work of Soul Seeds is unwavering and the Board recently approved reinstating my original position, so I’m not going far … and I suspect you’ll continue to hear from me on this platform. I am honored to have served Soul Seeds in this manner. I will always be proud to have been its inaugural Executive Director. Here’s to embracing the spirit of change and an expansive next chapter for us all!
Melanie Davis-Jones (she/her/hers) Executive Director
In Case You Missed It:
Is Someone’s Energy in Your Aura?| Blog by founder, Nancy Rebecca Mindfulness Meditation Reduces Anxiety as Much as a Common Antidepressant Drug, Study Finds | CNBC Read article .
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